Immaterial Labour Isn't Working

Immaterial Labour Isn't Working

20th April – 12th May 2013

Digital culture, digital work, digital insurrection

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Immaterial Labour Isn't Working #ILIW13 is a series of talks, texts and online contributions from artists, activists, technologists and writers examining how digital technology is changing our political and productive selves.


Today, we live, work and play online, and yet we are often still stuck in ways of thinking that belong to an offline world. What does it mean to be at work now as the boundaries between production and consumption transform into a pixelated blur. What does culture look like when the tools to make and broadcast exist on every laptop?


Is there a new aesthetic appearing now and if so what is it? The way we produce, disseminate and consume culture is now almost totally mediated by the online space. An increasingly fluid relation between “creative industries” and the working practices being imposed upon other workers has added to this culture of uncertainty. What does it mean to be an art worker now?


How is working and socialising online affecting our mental health? Are we working too much? Is the boundary between work and play too porous? How is the internet shaping our thoughts, our bodies and our emotions?


The aesthetic and technical structures of online space are becoming the prism through which we visualise and conceptualise our everyday lives, yet technological developments in the workplace are being structured for the benefit of employers, not workers. How can political organising happen when we never meet our colleagues?


Immaterial Labour Isn't Working is brought to you by Auto Italia South East in collaboration with Huw Lemmey. Featuring contributions from: Alex Andrews, Hannah Black, James Bridle, Mark Fisher, Alex Hern, Dougald Hine, Luddites 200, Metahaven, Metropolitan Factory, Novara Media, Michael Oswell, Jay Springett, David Rudnick, Kieran Startup, Alex Vasudevan, Ben Vickers, Josefine Wikström and Will Wiles with more TBA.